Saturday, December 13, 2014

Frozen ground

Frozen ground is a creepy movie based on the true story of the Alaskan serial killer Robert Hansen. One of the main characters of this film is Vanessa Hudgens, who plays the role of a prostitute named Cindy. Cindy claims  that Hansen kidnapped and raped her, and had kept her chained by the neck to a pole in his house. She had escaped when he had taken her outside. When the police confront Hansen, he has a good alibi and witness. Multiple bodies of young women are found in the area, and the investigation grows. Nicholas cage plays the role of the main police detective involved in the case. What I liked about his character is that he never doubted Cindy, and always had her back. The creepiest part about this movie is the fact that it's true and that Robert Hansen is such a well respected member of the community. He also is a husband and a father of two. This goes to show you can never judge a book by its cover and social standing. If you are into suspenseful murder movies I would highly recommend this movie.

No country for old men

Just recently I watched no country for old men for the first time. It was an unbelievable story that kept me hanging the entire time. The movie begins with a man, Llewelyn moss, coming across a scene in the desert that is full of dead bodies, drugs, and a load of cash. He takes the cash and runs, and eventually is identified by the owners of the money when they find his abandoned truck and trace his identify. The movie basically shows moss moving from place to place, hotel to hotel, trying to escape these men.  I won't give details or the ending away. However, there is much more to this story than violence and money. It is a coming of age story, based on change, and a persons ability to find their place in the world. There is a reason for why it is called "no country for old men", but in order to figure that out, you have to watch this movie and dig for a deeper meaning.

Erin brockovich

I was very happy to see some familiar and awesome movies on the screening list last week. One of these movies, Erin brockovich was a movie I'll never forget. In this film,  the very talented julia Roberts plays the role of a single mother who is unemployed. Desperate for a job and money, she asks her lawyer to help her find a job. She lands the position of a file clerk in his office, and eventually falls upon some information of an underground case against a gas and electric company which has been threatening the health of the community. This leads to one of the biggest lawsuits in America against a multi-billion dollar corporation. It's a true story and I would recommend it to anyone.