Sunday, September 14, 2014

Robin Williams

Over the past month, I have sporadically been thinking about the death of the amazing and devastatingly talented Robin Williams. What a tragedy. The saddest part about it was that it was suicide. I don't think anyone saw that coming. I sure as hell didn't. It just proves that you can have all the fame and fortune in the world, but at the end of the day none of that matters. It blew my mind that a man who seemed so genuinely happy on the outside was falling apart inside. Sometimes the people with the biggest smiles are the ones who are dealing with the worst kind of pain.

Robin Williams had one of the most amazing gifts in the world, and that was the ability to make people laugh. His movies were loved by so many, maybe because he was so alive and real in them. He had the ability to make the viewer forget that they were watching a movie, drawing them into his own personal world and emotions. Whether he was showing his goofy or sensitive side, his talent always awed me.

My favorite movie of all time is Good Will Hunting starring Robin Williams and Matt Damon, who are both phenomenal actors, especially in this movie. Although Robin Williams was well known as a comedic actor, this film shows his more serious and sensitive side, which I absolutely loved. The movie is about a genius young man (Matt Damon) from South Boston, who works as a janitor and has always lived a rough life. He can solve any mathematical problem thrown at him, but he can't solve the problems that are within him, or figure out his direction in life. He then meets a therapist named Sean (Robin Williams) who will change his life forever. There is much more to it than that, but you would have to see it for yourself. If you haven't seen this movie i highly suggest that you do. It gets me every time, and Robin Williams's role and acting is simply amazing.

If I had the chance to say something to Robin Williams I would thank him for the smiles, laughter, and tears that he has brought to the world. He was an outstanding actor with a huge heart, and his talent will always be missed and deeply appreciated.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Welcome to my Bridgewater State Film History blog!

I am probably the latest addition to the class but I am psyched to be here. I am in my last semester as a COMD major and this class is not required for me, but it seemed like it would be really fun and interesting. I love watching movies and I am excited to increase my knowledge about more historical films.

I will not have the book until tomorrow so I do not have a whole lot to say yet. However, I found the short youtube clips very interesting. Especially the one that presented the parents feeding the baby. Although there were no words and it only lasted about 30 seconds, it was very meaningful. This quick clip portrayed the couple's love for their baby and how much they adore their child. As Cara stated in her blog, it reminded me of old home videos that my parents would take of my brothers and I. Sometimes the littlest and simplest moments are the ones that mean the most.

Thanks for reading!