Tuesday, September 9, 2014


Welcome to my Bridgewater State Film History blog!

I am probably the latest addition to the class but I am psyched to be here. I am in my last semester as a COMD major and this class is not required for me, but it seemed like it would be really fun and interesting. I love watching movies and I am excited to increase my knowledge about more historical films.

I will not have the book until tomorrow so I do not have a whole lot to say yet. However, I found the short youtube clips very interesting. Especially the one that presented the parents feeding the baby. Although there were no words and it only lasted about 30 seconds, it was very meaningful. This quick clip portrayed the couple's love for their baby and how much they adore their child. As Cara stated in her blog, it reminded me of old home videos that my parents would take of my brothers and I. Sometimes the littlest and simplest moments are the ones that mean the most.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. It is my last semester here as well so I feel your excitement to graduate at the end of the year! We share the same quality that this class isn't required for me either but I am a movie junkie too. I took a film history class in high school and really enjoyed it so when I saw there was a film history class in college I was excited to take this course at the college level.

    But yes the baby video epitomizes the love parents have for their child. It conveys a very meaningful message of love and affection towards their child.
